Roses, tulips and the gardener returns
1.My tulips are surging out of the ground like they've been scared out.They are purple, red, multi-colored, and yellow.Gorgeous!
2.I may have mentioned my roses before, but this year my favorite bush has outdistanced all the others on the block.No doubt, we have the most beautiful yard in the neighborhood, as I have been told.What a delight! What a blessing.
3. I don't really have a gardener, unless you count my son whose job it is to mow the lawn, but for two years now, my landlord has beat him to the task, which he can only perform on his days off. "Fast Freddie" is a great landlord, and a great guy for taking that worry off my mind. He's already mowed once this year, and all he asks is either a glass of ice water, or a cup of coffee, or as we say, "a coff a cuppy ", and perhaps a little chat.So nice to sit and smell that wonderful new mown grass smell over a good drink and talk about inconsequentials.He even rakes, and carries the clippings away!