I just read a wonderful blog about potato salad, and couldn't help but respond to the author's plead for help. So, I did, and that got me to thinking. I really love potato salad. My own, homemade, that is.You never know what your going to get if you purchase some in a store, or deli.And, really, if you go to a potluck, or a big picnic, where everyone brings a covered dish, there could be several versions of potato salad there, and not a one of them will taste like any other. Even stranger yet, every last one is a family receipe, handed down from generation to generation.So, one can only hope that my suggestions will be a help for her,/or him and not just confuse them more.
Then, I remembered that a week or so ago, someone expressed a wish for potato salad, and I agreed to make it, if they would bring me some nice russet potatoes.The bag was duely bought and brought to the house, where it languished for several days. Somehow,the dish had slipped my mind, and the bag was gotten into by this one and that one, we had baked potatoes,or they were quartered and thrown in with a roast, and finally tonight, we cooked the last two remaining spuds. So, now, I have a taste for the salad myself,and will have to go get more potatoes. Meanwhile, even as I write this, my mouth is all set for potato salad, and we all know, that once you get a craving for something like that, nothing else will satisfy.
Oh well.I'll just have to wait.
Excuse me while I go wipe my chin...
As I was saying, Potato salad is wonderful stuff, and I guess that is just because it is so versitile. Now I myself am pretty much a purist.Boiled potatoes, naturally, but not mushy and not crunchy either, and without skin,thank you.A balanced amount of hard boiled eggs, plunged into ice water once I am satisfied the little beggars spin nicely, so there's no gooey centers, and no green on the outside of the yoke.One medium onion,(depending on the size of the salad,) chopped finely, or minced...no great hulking chunks of onion...and perhaps a nice stalk of celery, mayo,or(as I prefer) Miracle whip salad dressing,salt and pepper to taste, and a nice sprinkling of celery seed. There should be enough mayo or dressing overall so the whole thing is creamy, but not wet. Now, I know people who put all sorts of things in their salad, like pickle relish, or olives, but generally I don't go that route.I don't want the flavor of the eggs and potatoes masked. Don't get me wrong. I like pickles,and I like olives, but on the side, not in the salad.See, my way, the salad goes with absolutely everything.Barbequed ribs, chicken,hamburgers or hot dogs, it doesn't matter, it's all wonderful.Sometimes, with olives, say, the flavor is a little sour, and will not compliment certain other foods.Such as cole slaw or baked beans, sloppy joes, summer sausage,or ham salad sandwiches. On the flip side, there is also, German potato salad, and I don't know how it is made,but whatever the ingredience, this stuff is served hot,and I don't care for it one bit.I don't know what happened here, because I have some german ancesters, but aparently, my german blood does not extend to my taste buds.It is obvious to me that the Irish and the Swedish took over there.It is all I can do to choke down the tiniest bit of saurkraut,on a hot dog or a ruben, and that is enough for me for a long, long time.
JUST a word of caution here. I noticed that someone was asking how to tell if potato salad has gone bad. Honey, if you have to ask, there must be a reason.The # 1 reason being, the dressing is started to separate, and looks watery at the bottom when you stir it up. UNLESS, you put the salad in the fridge when it was still warm enough to condense on the lid,( you did use a lid, didn't you?) and it is just normal trapped water dripping back onto the food, throw it out. If you left it out long enough to reach room temperature, toss it. If you detect a bad smell , don't take chances with salmonella, get rid of it! Don't forget with eggs, and salad dressing, you can't take chances.Keep anything with those things in it cold!