Why some songs keep running through your head
Scientists now know why that annoying tune sticks in your head. Believe it or not,researchers at Dartmouth collage, in Hanover, New Hampshire, used brain scans to study the effects of music on test subjects! The problem stems, they say, from the auditory cortex, which "hears" the music, even if the subject is not actively listening to the tune.
However, the scientists offer no solution to ridding oneself of the problem.
I, on the other hand, have two, that work for me. One is to actually sing the song, or hum the tune, and this usualy satisfies MY cortex, after a short while.The other way, is more direct. Take control of your thoughts, and switch the annoying song, for one that you like and know well, and sing that instead.
(Of course, if you can't sing, you can always turn on your stereo, cd player or ipod, and dial up whatever will take your mind off the annoying stuff.)