SO, it was Monday, time for headlines, and once again, the headlines were hilarious.How supposed professionals can allow such bloopers to get through to be published is beyond me. At heart, I guess, it is all just because we are human, and we make mistakes.But newspapers HAVE editors, don't they? What are these people doing? At least, when a blogger makes a mistake, we have all sorts of explanations to fall back on. There is no editor. Sometimes the delete button will fail to function.At other times, perhaps the spell-checker is on the blink, or otherwise behaves irrationally. But, a newspaper?Even I know that they have workers whose only job is to sit around with a pencil or pen and correct things. But, Jay Leno's special spot on the Tonight show devoted to headlines gives us all a good laugh, so I'm not about to give them any grief over it. I enjoy it. In fact, I have written to Jay, suggesting that he do a larger spot on his show for them, considering that he almost always has several left over on his desk he cannot show, for time constraints. I got no response. Naturally.
After Headlines, Bill Mahr was on, and he was very amusing. I do enjoy his sense of humor, but I thought his critisizum of Pres. Bush was a little harsh, and a bit thoughtless. What he said was it was wrong for George W. to sit there for seven minutes longer, after he had been told about the attack on 9/11. Bill seems to convienently forget that the prez. had a whole classroom full of schoolchildren staring at him, and those children had looked forward to seeing him and hearing his stories for a long time. Now, what earthly good would it have done the country at that moment for him to leap up, and tear out of that room? What could he have done? The damage was done.Nothing he could have said or done, at that point in time, could possibly have made the slightest bit of difference to the outcome, with the possible exception that the children in that room would have had that special experience marred forever, because he would have had to leave them, with no reason whatever. I know in my heart what turmoil Mr. Bush must have gone through. If you have ever seen the tape of that moment, you can see very plainly on his face that he felt trapped into putting on an unhurried, graceful departure, so as not to create a panic. Bill cited FDR and JFK, and implied that they would have handled the situation differently. No, they would not. They too, were thoughtful men, who took action only after careful consideration, and they would have thought of those kids first, knowing that seven minutes, more or less,would not save one american life,or prevent one plane from going down,and like it or not, Bill, that's the truth.