For the life of me, I cannot recall if it was Ray Bradbury,Isaac Asimov, or Robert Heinlein who wrote about the silly season.It's been so long ago...but it really doesn't matter. The upshot of it went something like this. Every seven years or so, everything goes a bit wacky. The Weather, people's behavior, fads and fashions, all of it. Everything and everybody around you, looses it's center. So, here we are. The silly season is in full swing. It ranges from the mundane, to the downright goofy, to the dangerous.Certainly, anyone who is not living under a rock can attest to this silly season, up to and including a blurb I just caught on television, when some guy had the giant gonads to call Donald Trump, "Trumpster" to his face. How stupid can one man be? I didn't stay around to witness it, but I am almost positive that guy got fired. If he didn't, then" the Donald" is slipping. But enough about that. I don't care one way or the other how the current apprentice turns out, or the one before it. I watched the first one out of curiosity, and that was enough for me. The premise is a bit ignorant, if you ask me. Whether you are street-smart or educated, or male or female, has no bearing on how well or badly you will do on a job, or in the market place. It depends on a clear mind, steady nerves, and a willingness to work hard. And, that's all I have to say about that.
I am tired of all the "reality"shows, however. None of which are, in actuality, reality.It's all smoke and mirrors and manipulation.There is no truth in them. The parameters are false, the situations are not real, and the only thing that is revealed is how much nonsense these people are willing to put up with for money. Money. That's the bottom line, the be all and end all for all of these participants. It's obvious. Isn't the theme song of the apprentice, money, money, money? Okay. Perhaps, not ALL. For some of them, the bottom line is to be loved and adored. To be beautiful. It's pitiful. Might just as well call them, " Look how shallow I am!" Now, I don't mean to get off on a rant here, but what ever happened to plain old Fashioned well written shows, and good acting? Or, if you need to be titillated beyond that, how about shutting off the T.V., and reading a book, or writing your own book or show, or blogging? Not that I don't enjoy a good reality show now and then, but the sort I like are generally called "documentaries." You know the type. The unvarnished truth. Well, the reality shows we have now are reeking with varnish. I mean, think! Don't you react differently when you have a camera on you? I do! How could you not? I mean, it is there! Somebody is following these people around with cameras! That's what makes a normal person become brave, boastful, proud, contentious, argumentative, and haughty. The women become vain, surly, pushy and downright nasty. God forbid they should accept defeat with poise and grace, Oh no! That would be far too ladylike. The men are nicer, and even more sensitive, and that isn't reality, either! They are all behaving the way they think they should behave, not the way they would in real life. Consider this. Would any potential employer expect one of their applicants to continue working, once they had sustained a head injury? No! The task would have been brought to a screeching halt, and that person would have been sent to the emergency room, regardless of whether the victim wanted to go or not. If he had done that, would Trump have lost a single dime? No. At the worst, he might have had to change his time line, the deadline for the task to be finished. Big Woop! All I can say about Trump is, I don't envy his bride at all, if his attitude is any indication of his compassionate nature. Given a choice, give me a poor man with a sweet nature, and kindness in his heart for those who are sick or injured, rather than a rich man with icewater in his veins.
As I said at the beginning, this is the silly season, and it's in full swing. But sooner or later, it will fade again, and most things will go back to normal. But I have my doubts as to whether the producers of the reality shows will change at all. I do believe that they shall continue to be what they were before. Grasping, avaricious, and completely consumed by gain and profit, with no interest in how these wild ideas will impact the participants, the audience, or the world around them. I don't think the silly season really had any impact upon them at all. It just revealed what was already there. To those of us who are watching and listening, now we know who and what they are...and it ain't pretty son. It ain't pretty at all.